As an all-volunteer organization, PFLAG Portland looks to PFLAG National and our Maine partners in the Equality Community Center who play a leading role in pursuing legislation that furthers the equality and safety of the LGBTQ+ community in Maine and across the country. Being a good ally to our loved ones includes speaking up, and PFLAG Portland encourages its members to reach out to their state and federal legislators on issues of importance.
Leaders in Maine Advocacy
EqualityMaine is a statewide organization dedicated to creating a fair and just society for LGBTQ+ Mainers. Learn more about their work here.
MaineTransNet is the only organization in Maine dedicated to supporting transgender people. See highlights of their legislative work from 2023.
As a strong ally, PFLAG Portland supports the leadership of these partners in improving equality across the State.

PFLAG Advocates at the National Level
Advocacy is a strong part of PFLAG's mission to move equality forward and your voice is critical to influence legislation on the federal level.